Hotel, ulokowany u zbiegu ul. Mickiewicza i Grunwaldzkiej, wzniesiony został około roku 1907. Według dostępnych źródeł, budowę hotelu zainspirował pewien nauczyciel zaciekawiony barwnymi opowieściami swoich uczniów dotyczącymi wakacji spędzonych w nieznanej mu dotąd miejscowości. Zaintrygowany, udał się do Pobierowa gdzie wynajął pokój u gospodarza Frohreicha, szybko przekonując się o ogromnym potencjale turystycznym tej miejscowości.
Enchanted by the beauty of the golden beaches, clean sea, and peace, he persuaded the host's daughter - Hulde Frohreich and her brother to study at a prestigious hotel school in Szczecin and take advantage of the opportunities offered by this enchanting summer resort.
The ship was created specifically for the Expo 2000 exhibition in Hanover, as part of an exhibition of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. It was soon handed over to the Rewal commune, which used it as a scenery or stage, for example when Lech Kaczyński, the President of Poland, visited the commune in June 2009, during the local Baltic Herring Festival in Niechorze, or during the "Złoty Sekstans" Shanty Festival in Pobierowo.
The ship was permanently moved to Pustkowo and placed under the cross.
Mentions of the palace in Trzęsacz come from the beginning of the 17th century and concern a fire that completely destroyed the building. Soon, the von Flemming family erected a new building on the ruins of the previous construction. The palace that can be admired today comes from the second half of the 18th century. The palace is surrounded by a large park with historic small-leaved lime trees. On its premises, it is still possible to see the remains of an old garden as well as livestock buildings.
It allows tourists to see the ruins of a Gothic church from a unique perspective. The earlier, traditional, wooden descent has been dismantled in order to enable carrying out works aimed at protecting the ruins of the Gothic church. The platform, located 20 m above sea level, allows watching the sea or going down to its shore by openwork, steel steps. The project of the investment also takes into consideration a place for an elevator for people with disabilities.
In cooperation with the best European specialists, in renovated interiors, a modern, multimedia exhibition which is going to enchant even the most demanding guests, has been prepared. Instead of classic exhibits hidden behind glass, the museum offers an extraordinary journey through time, made possible thanks to presentations with sound, light, and imagery. Multimedia stimuli work perfectly, having an impact on all of the senses, taking the visitors into a fascinating world where fairy tales intertwine with living science. Taking advantage of modern technologies, we tell the story of the Ruins of the Church in Trzęsacz, the meaning of the 15th meridian on which Trzęsacz lies, the mysterious legend of Zielenica, and we also show how the struggle between man and the element takes place throughout the centuries.
The construction of the church began on August 26th, 1874. The rapid pace of works led to the fact that already on December 23, 1880, the church was consecrated and put into use. Most of the furnishings of the newly built church came from the closed temple on the cliff, including a pulpit from 1646, two bells, and an oil painting by Charles Pattison presenting the ruins of the medieval church on the cliff.
he temple, severely damaged during World War II, was awaiting a major renovation. In 1998, it was handed over to the church authorities and the painstaking process of restoring its former glory began with the help of funds from donations of Polish sponsors associated with the Educational Center of the Archdiocese of Szczecin-Kamień that managed the church.
It is the only place in the area where, while having fun and learning, it is possible to discover many things about what we all love. The sea. In four specially prepared thematic sections, children and adults can look into the eyes of dangerous sharks and enormous whales, and finally find out where Nemo is, and learn about the fish that we eat at local fryers.
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